Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Microbial Valentines' Day!

How about that January?  I know.  I do my best to just focus on my students and my research thoughts.

Today is Valentines' Day, and I would like to share some "bioluminescent art"---#LuxArt---for that occasion.  Again, I use Photobacterium leignothi strain KNH6, which I find to be very bright.  

First up, a salute to my beautiful and brilliant wife Dr. Jennifer Quinn.  Truly, she deserves every good thing (particularly based on her full time job putting up with my veering approach to reality!). Love you, Jennigirl.

Next,  there is nothing wrong with a bit of a Valentines' Day poem dedicated to my wife, is there?

How about a microbially relevant Valentines' Day haiku?

But no matter what, let's keep the next image in mind today.

My very, very best wishes to all of you.  And your microbiota!

May you be happy holobionts, one and all!

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I am happy to hear your comments and suggestions. I hope to avoid spammage. We shall see how that works out!